NCVA-NE Mini-ReunionMay 11-13, 2012North Conway Grand Hotel P.O. Box 3189 72 Common Court Route 16 at Settlers’ Green Outlets North Conway, NH 03860 Tel: Tel: 800-655-1452 · 603-356-9300 · Fax: 603-356-6028 * * Booking Code: NCVA-NE GO HERE TO VISIT THEIR WEBSITE FOR DIRECTIONS AND AMENITIES.
NCVA–New England Chapter Spring 2012 Mini-ReunionBy Ed CareyThe New England chapter of the Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association (NCVA) held their Spring mini-reunion in the beautiful mountains of New Hampshire 11-13 May 2012 at the North Conway Grand Hotel, North Conway, New Hampshire and started off with a meet and greet social on Friday evening. USS LIBERTY (AGTR-5) survivor, Bryce Lockwood (The Ol' Sarge) and his wife Lois presented two showings of the not-yet-released documentary, "JUSTICE FOR THE LIBERTY" by Matt Hodges and the majority of the attendees viewed the film. The documentary is candid, pointed, factual, personal opinions and sometime humorous commentary by the crew 45 years later. Several of the NCVA-NE members and wives commented afterwards with teary eyes, hugs and regrets for the way our country had treated the crew. Also, the USS LIBERTY (AGTR-5) small stores was available and members had an opportunity to purchase a variety of USS LIBERTY (AGTR-5) memorabilia. George Keller followed with his narrated presentation of Bletchley Park from a recent trip which was most informative. The business meeting was called to order by Vice President Terry Rowe. A combined opening was conducted with the members of the NCVA-NE Auxiliary. The Vice President led all those present in the Pledge of Allegiance and Chaplain Suzie Gowie conducted a brief prayer session for our ill and hospitalized members and for our departed members. Following prayers, the Auxiliary members retired to another room to conduct their business session. The project for this mini-reunion was the collection of items to be included in care packages for female military members serving in Afghanistan via the USO. Lois Lockwood attended an open discussion with the wives about her experiences and what little information was made to the family about the USS LIBERTY (AGTR-5) and what happened to her husband Bryce during and after the attack. Kudos were extended to John Hogan and Ray McManus for having served as president and vice president; Vic and Anita Knorowski for having hosted the mini-reunion in Glens Falls, NewYork; Phil Sirmons for his work with the Ship’s Store; Karl Kristiansen for his continued website work; George Keller for his presentation on Bletchley Park; and, Bryce Lockwood for his presentation on the USS LIBERTY (AGTR-5). Karl Kristiansen was again recognized for his design of the 2016 NCVA reunion bid logo .The logo is a combination of the NCVA logo and the Lake Placid visitor’s logos. He also had photos of sample NCVA-NE challenge coins, which were passed around for members to view and will be available for the Fall mini-reunion. Saturday evening’s banquet was held and started off with singing "God Bless America" led by Carmine DeBiasio and Jack O’Connell (combined age years 190). Vice President Terry Rowe presented a "Good Times Award" to Ed and Dorothy Carey for being the host along with MaryAnn Hogan’s excellent support. A citation for “Exceptional Patriotism” was presented to the crew of the USS LIBERTY (AGTR-5). Bryce Lockwood (sole surviving Marine) accepted the citation from NCVA-NE host Ed Carey. Also in attendance was Dave Lewis (CDR, USN, Research Officer, USS LIBERTY (AGTR-5) who answered all questions and discussed his naval career with the Naval Security Group which was impressive. Particularly noteworthy: Bryce and Lois had attended the NCVA national reunion in Tucson, Arizona drove to Missouri, changed suitcases then continued on to Vermont to pick up Dave Lewis, then continued to attend the NCVA-NE spring fling. That is dedication! All he said was that it was a truly delightful trip through the New England mountains. Larry Peterson will host the NCVA-NE Fall mini-reunion scheduled to be held at SERC on the site of the former NSGA Winter Harbor, Maine the weekend of 12-14 October 2012. Art and Suzie Gowie will host the NCVA-NE Spring 2013 mini-reunion to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lake Placid, New York 10-12 May 2013. This mini will be held in preparation for the NE Chapter 2016 reunion bid scheduled to be presented at NCVA reunion at Savannah 26-29 May 2013. Lake Placid, the site of the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics, is a very special place. The size and uniqueness of the village is what makes it so desirable as a vacation destination. It is a place for relaxation and enjoying the beauty of the Adirondack Mountains. Those who say it is too small for an NCVA reunion need to remember that the World has come to Lake Placid twice. Certainly the NCVA can do it once!
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