I have found several places on the internet to get USS Mansfield and NSGA Bremerhaven items. These are businesses I have dealt with and have been satisfied with their products. There are also sites I've found which may be of interest. I do not get any compensation from them, I just liked their products and offer them here for others who may be looking for similar items.
Obviously, I can't guarantee your satisfaction. I can only state that I have been satisfied with their products. If you have a product that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
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I would highly recommend a visit to Windjammer Arts. I ordered a color print of the Mansfield and I am very satisfied. You can order from George E.Bieda directly from his web site. Check it out for yourself. You won't be disappointed. |
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To: USS Mansfield (DD-728) Reunion Association Members From: The NAVY YARD Associates Dear Sir: We have available a full color custom profile of your ship by the noted naval illustrator John R. Barrett (please see the artist’s sample above). We also have ships as outfitted during other time periods. Please visit our web site for prices, framing options, and other configurations of your ship http://www.navyyardassociates.net. We hope you and your shipmates will be interested in acquiring this full color print of your ship. If you have any questions or would like additional information please e-mail (John R. Barrett) john@navyyardassociates.net, or (Robert F. Sumrall) bob@navyyardassociates.net. Mailing address only: |
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Shipmates: If you would like a file to print out address labels, just send me your address info and I'll email you a file you can use for 1" x 2 5/8" - Avery 5160 labels (or equivalent). - Karl [Email: kman@meganet.net ] |
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Richard's Military Gifts specializing in Embroidered U.S. Navy Hats & Garments of out of commission ships. Visit their website or call toll-free 1-877-232-8416. I have ordered a hat, sweatshirt and golf shirt and I'm impressed with the quality and durability of the items. Highly recommended. |
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Our Ship's Store sells quality merchandise at reasonable prices.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
Additional charges apply for all orders mailed outside the United States. Tin Can Sailors Ship's Store. |
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Shipmate Don Harrington purchased his ship model from Bad Ship Models. "The company where I obtained the model is B & D Ship Models. The owner is 'Lou' and he is great and yes, they have the FRAM model of the Sumner class and Lou can get any detail. He is most knowledgeable and helpful. Model length is 47 inches and it is a kit with wood, balsa, plastic, brass etc. all to scale and Lou extends a 10% discount is the buyer served on the ship. It must be his labor of love as the detail and inventory is extensive. The kit cost is about $250 plus some nominal extra for parts. I have spent at least 200 hours on the model and took the summer/fall season off so will get back to it since the weather is cold. I loved every minute of the build up which starts with the hull like the old stick model airplanes and the real kick is when the topside is built up. In my case, I wanted the Korea vintage which included the 40MM prior to the 3inch however the 20MM of WWII were removed and Lou handled it !!!!" |
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![]() Mansfield hats are available through the Association for $15 (including shipping and handling). Please specify color (blue or white) when placing your order. Send orders to: |
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Go here ![]() |
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Navy Emporium Personalized items to commemorate your Navy service on the Mansfield. |
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Video features USS Mansfield (DD-728), USS Hanson (DD-832), USS Mount Baker (AE-4) operating of the coast of Vietnam in 1966. Includes excellent scenes of ships bombarding the shoreline, underway replenishment, and the crew performing various duties. Please Note: Video has no narration, it contains a music soundtrack. Color · 30 minutes · VHS · $19.95 + S/H |
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![]() BC Patch, LLC USS Mansfield "Avant Garde"patch available. |
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![]() Cold War Military Steins Collector |
"I am a collector of cold war period American service steins. If anyone has such steins available I would pay a good price for them." - Ron Fox Contact info:
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![]() NavSecGru Patches |
"I have created some NavSecGru patches and have made them available on my webpage. I thought that there would be some interest from the (NCVA) membership since I have seen questions asked in the past about obtaining some of these patches." - Larry Skains (former CTR3)
Available patches:
Future patches: NSGA Keflavik, NCS Keflavik, Recruit Training Command Orlando, NSGA Azores, NSGA Kunia, NSGA Sabana Seca, USS Oxford AGTR-1 |
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![]() Ralph McDonald
Effects of the Magnetic North PoleYou know the story, now read the book. This is a work of fiction by Ralph McDonald, a retired computer geek living in Southern California. He offers this account of two young men, Mark Nobel and Snoopy Richards, who join the Air Force during the height of the Cold War in the late 1950's. Follow this dynamic duo as they endure basic training at San Antonio, radio school at Biloxi and the Russian Language Institute at Monterey Bay prior to their assignment to the 6913th RSM at Bremerhaven, Germany. Events of the day marked their tour. Rock 'n' Roll was king when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, PFC Elvis Presley arrived in Germany, the U-2 with pilot Francis Gary Powers was downed, and The Big Bopper, Richie Valens and Buddy Holly died in an Iowa plane crash. Against this background, Mark falls in love with a beautiful Bremerhaven fraulein, Gabbi, and risks loosing his security clearance in a struggle to balance his heart with his sense of duty and responsibility. So, check the sofa for all the loose change you can dig up, you need $12.95, and then click on the link (left) to publisher's website and order this must have book. In God we trust, all others we monitor! Ralph McDonald |
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![]() Written by RM2 Edgar DeLong, NAB/CommUnit 8, 1950-51 |
Navy Mustang: From Seaman to Officer, a Quarter Century in the United States NavyBOOK DESCRIPTION When fifteen-year-old Edgar DeLong convinced his family to let him join the United States Navy in 1944, he didn't know what his future would bring. In Navy Mustang, DeLong details what his adventure-filled life is like from the day he enlists to when he retires twenty-six years later, including earning the designation of United States Navy Mustang. DeLong describes his experiences in the World War II battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. He gives a first-person account of the Bikini atomic bomb tests and never-before-revealed stories about the bomb. He tells of his travels throughout the world, including how young Germans received an American sailor riding a bike down the Rhine, why you should learn to play chess if you want to meet people from all over the world without having to speak their language, and what it was like to hang out with the priests from the Vatican during the reign of Pope Pius XII. Loaded with photographs and detailed dates, DeLong shows the pros and cons of what it was like to live as a sailor and an officer during the last quarter of the twentieth century. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Edgar E. DeLong served twenty-six years in the United States Navy, beginning his career as an enlisted man and retiring as a lieutenant commander. He is a freelance writer and volunteer. DeLong and his wife, Ruth, live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. ORDERING INFO FROM THE AUTHOR "You may want to pass this on to other Bremerhaven folks. I have included about 50 pages concerning that bicycle trip down the Rhine from Bhvn to Zurich and lots more about the old town and NAB. Book is selling well." - Ed DeLong, 26 March 2008. |
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![]() Rüdiger Ritter: Vorort von New York? Die Amerikaner in Bremerhaven.Ergebnisse einer Studie am Museum der 50er Jahre Bremerhaven,Bremerhaven: NW-Verlag, 2010, 372 Seiten, über 100 Abb. ISBN: 978-3-89509-929-7 Von 1945 bis 1994 war Bremerhaven Stationierungsort US-amerikanischer Truppen und hatte bis Ende der 1960er Jahre eine herausgehobene Stellung als Port of Embarkation (Einschiffungshafen). Die für den Dienst in Europa bestimmten US-Soldaten kamen hier an und fuhren auch von hier wieder ab. Bremerhaven behielt seine Bedeutung auch nach den 70er Jahren, als die Soldaten zwar nicht mehr mit dem Schiff, sondern mit dem Flugzeug transportiert wurden, der Hafen aber dennoch ein zentraler Umschlagplatz für Güter der US-Streitkräfte blieb. Das Buch betritt wissenschaftliches Neuland, weil es bislang noch keine umfassende Untersuchung über diesen Teilabschnitt der Stadtgeschichte gibt. Umfassend und ausführlich werden alle Lebens und Arbeitsbereiche beleuchtet, die sich für US-Amerikaner wie für Deutsche durch die US-Stationierung ergeben haben. Grundlage bilden die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes des Museums der 50er Jahre Bremerhaven. Urteile zum Buch: "Es gibt bisher keine vergleichbare Arbeit, was die Breite der in ihrer lokalen Interaktion untersuchten Aspekte des Themas betrifft." - Prof. Dr. Kaspar Maase, Universität Tübingen "Ausgehend von der Eigenwahrnehmung der Stadt als "„Vorort New Yorks", die als identitätsstiftender Mythos interpretiert wird, fragt die Studie nach Zustandekommen und Funktion dieses Mythos als Mechanismus der Vergangenheitsverdrängung. Damit leistet sie neben einem stadthistorischen auch einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der frühen Bundesrepublik Deutschland.""“ - Prof. Dr. Anke Ortlepp, Universität München "… die ausgezeichnete Bildauswahl, die weit über die übliche Illustration eines Textes hinausweist." - Prof. Dr. Axel Schildt, Universität Hamburg Product details: [Translation courtesy of Ursula Braun] Autor: RUDIGER RITTER Publisher: NE-Verlag, Buergermeister-Smidt-Str. 74-76, 27568 Bremerhaven ISBN: 978-3-89509-929-7 Price: 24,80€ plus shipping and handling. From 1945 to 1994 Bremerhaven was a base to US-troops and until the end of 1960 had a prominent position as port of embarkation. US troops designated for the service in Europe, arrived here and left from here. Bremerhaven retained its importance even after the 70's, when the soldiers were not transported by ship anymore, but by planes. Even then Bremerhaven remained a central port of reshipment and transhipment of American goods. The book enters new territory, because as yet no comprehensive study about this aera of the city's history has been published. Comprehensive and in detail study of all living and working conditions are looked into, and how both the Americans and Germans were effected from the U.S. deployment. The basis is the results of a research project of the Museum of the 50s in Bremerhaven. Editorial reviews: "There is no comparable work, which investigated the width of the local interaction with the aspects of the subject concerned." - Prof. Dr. Kaspar Maase, University of Tuebingen "Based on the self-perception of the city as "Suburb of New York", this study questions the origin and function of this myth even as a mechanism to suppress the wartime past. In addition to the history of the city, the book features an important contribution to the development and history of the early Federal Republic of Germany." - Prof. Dr. Anke Ortlepp, University of Munich "The excellent selection of images extends far beyond the usual illustration of a text." - Prof. Dr. Axel Schildt, University of Hamburg You can purchase book here: http://www.nw-verlag.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p2621_vorort-von-new-york--die-amerikaner-in-bremerhaven.html. Shipping charges are: Surface mail: € 11.00 - Air Mail: € 13.00 - Visa and American Express cards accepted. I-Ban # DE 692925 0000000 2108070 - BIC # BRLADE 21 BRSD The book is also available from amazon.de or you can email Mr. Ritter directly here: RRitter@gmx.de |
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