The following photos courtesy of
Dick Herrington, RM3 1958/61 - Page 3

Puget Sound 1961
"These pictures were taken in 1961 during the cruise we made to the Puget Sound after FRAM. We had already done extensive sea trails off the California coast and participated in exercises and I believe we were fully operational.

"In April of 1961 we were on a very large carrier screening excercise in the pacific about the latitude of San Francisco. The exercise was called "Evergreen" and I remember it because my daughter was born April 21, 1961 and I was on watch in the radio shack when the teletype came in. As I recall, the sub sat under the carrier for a couple of days then went into San Francisco and sent us a message informing us that they were going on liberty (rumor). I took the pictures after that on a cruise to Puget Sound.

"Now I believe we were there for the degausing range and sonar testing and I'm sure I took the pictures while anchored in that range. We took liberty in Everett, Washington and I've had a warm spot in my heart for that place since. We were treated like heros. The film for the most part was processed in July 61 with the exception of the bridge and one sunset and they were in Sept. but they were all taken about the same time."

"I think this is the set of bloomers we flew when a woman correspondent Dickey (or Dickie) was aboard in the summer of 1961. Nothing would be thought of it now, but it was quite a deal then as women just were not aboard Navy ships at sea, except on dependents cruises."
Sunset Sunset
Mountains Bridge
Mountains "The last three pictures on this page you would find yourself in the Narrows northeast of Tacoma WA. It's not every day you get a nice pic of Mt.Rainer in the background like that.The Narrows bridge is a great shot also." - Jerry Hehn 1.22.03

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