Hi Ladies,
Here is the charity we will be donating to at the Fall Mini-Reunion in Hyannis.
It supports the Viet Nam Veterans of the area.
Quoted from their website: NamVets Association and the Veterans Outreach Center have been providing service to all veterans since 1983. Now in our 30th year we have become the portal for veterans' service for Cape Cod and the Islands. Networking and partnering with key agencies we are able to provide more inclusive and better services for our homeless veterans (both men and women) who are in need of: housing, employment, medical or psychological services. We are seeking to become an agency providing permanent supportive housing for veterans and their families.
From the food pantry: Last year the Nam Vets Food Pantry served, the equivalent of, over 47,000 meals to the, almost seven hundred enrolled veterans and their families. This represents about a 40% increase in the number of veterans we have served during the past two years. Located at Nam Vets Association building at 569 Main Street, veterans may receive food twice monthly.
They will accept, Food (can goods, fresh vegetables, meat) sanitary products/ toiletries, and of course money.
See you in Cape Cod!
As has been our tradition of giving back to our Mini-Reunion Host Community, The NCVA-NE Auxiliary members, will be bringing non-perishable food items for the Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry. Those desiring to contribute may also make monetary donations with checks made out to the Lake Placid Ecumenical Food Pantry.
For a recent article on this organization please go here.
The Auxiliary decided to bring items to send to the female military personnel in Afghanistan via the USO.
Here is a list of items they accept for donation:
Bring your items with you and there will be a collection site for us at the hotel.
Thanks you in advance,
I apologize if I have missed anyone with email information. I do not have a complete list of emails for the Auxiliary. We will try to fix this at our meeting.
Vic and Anita Knorowski are our hosts for the Fall 2011 mini-reunion at the Queensbury Hotel in Glens Falls, NY.
The auxiliary member hosting selects the charity we will be donating to during our weekend. Anita has chosen the SPCA of Upstate New York:
Here is a list of items they accept for donation:
Bring your items with you and Anita will have a collection site for us at the hotel. The SPCA people will come pick up the donations at the end of the reunion.
Thanks you in advance,
Update: 15 October 2011 - The Auxiliary meeting at the Queensbury Hotel was well attended. Suzie Gowie, NCVA-NEA Coordinator Deborah Coutinho has taken over the duties of Scribe for the NCVA-NEA, after the passing of Barbara St. Onge.
I know this is late - we have been moving from Brooks to Bangor- I just wanted to remind everyone about bringing non-perishable food goods to the mini reunion at Sebasco Resort. The food we collect will go to the Bath Food Bank.
To the Auxiliary: May your Memorial Day be filled with sweet memories of those who served.
See you next weekend,
Suzie Gowie, spouse of Art Gowie, CTOCS (USN Ret) invited the spouses to an informal gathering to discuss the organization of an Auxiliary. It was unanimously decided to form an Auxiliary whose purpose will be to support the Chapter through activities that will support the local communities where the reunions are held. The Auxiliary's first official meeting will take place at the fall reunion in Rhode Island, where they will elect officers and be officially commissioned by the NCVA-NE Chapter. The newly formed Auxiliary first thanked Barbara St. Onge for all her hard work, especially for putting together the Penny Sale at the 2007 NCVA national reunion, then went on to discuss and vote on the disbursement of the monies raised. After making a list of organizations the group would like to support, the decision was made to donate $300 to each the following organizations: The meeting concluded with the idea of dues being to bring items for the local food pantries wherever the reunions are held. Suzie would like to thank all the spouses who supported this initial meeting to organize the NCVA-NE Auxiliary.
by Suzie Gowie
Hi All,
Suzie Gowie- NCVA-NE Auxiliary Coordinator
by Suzie Gowie
Hi All,
Suzie Gowie- NCVA-NE Auxiliary Coordinator
The 23 attendees were:
Deborah Couthino, NCVA-NEA Scribe
Pat Anderson
Trudy Marois
Janet Beach
Carole McDermott
Rita Bonyeau
Barbara McGowan
Dorothy Carey
Nora McGrath
Carol Christie
Carol McManus
Nancy Dougherty
Dorothy Pappas
Norma Hahn
Phyllis Peterson
Mary Ann Hogan
Neta Phaneuf
Anita Knorowski
Barbara Rowe
Anna Kristiansen
Ree Sirmons
Maryanne Larkin
by Suzie Gowie
Hi All,
Saturday morning meeting - 9a.m.
Place to be announced.
Topic: Best and worst duty stations.
Bring ideas for future meeting activities.
Suzie Gowie, NCVA-NEA Coordinator
by Suzie Gowie